
3D model

In the context of 5G planning, 3D models are valuable tools for maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of network expansion. They enable accurate visualization and simulation of 5G networks in a three-dimensional space, including the physical environment in which the network is being deployed. These models are used to determine the optimal placement of 5G antennas and equipment, taking into account geographical and construction conditions. They help to analyze and overcome challenges such as signal attenuation caused by buildings, trees, and other obstacles.

By using 3D models in 5G planning, planners can virtually test and optimize network coverage and performance in urban, industrial, and rural areas before physical installations begin. This results in more efficient use of resources, minimizes potential network implementation problems and supports the development of networks that are tailored to the specific requirements of the area of application. 3D modelling is therefore a key tool for engineers and planners to strategically implement 5G technologies by providing insights into the best practice for installing and configuring the network infrastructure.


5G stands for the fifth generation of mobile technology, which offers a significant improvement over previous 4G networks. It features faster speeds, lower latencies, and the ability to connect a larger number of devices simultaneously. This technology not only enables faster Internet and improved network services for end users, but is also crucial for the development and implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and Industry 4.0. The introduction of 5G promises to revolutionize the way we live and work.

5G campus networks

5G campus networks, also known as private 5G networks, are mobile networks specifically tailored to the needs and requirements of a limited geographical area or an organization. These networks offer the advanced features of 5G, such as high data transfer rates, low latency, and increased security, in a private setting, making them ideal for industrial applications, university campuses, hospitals, and other organizations that require reliable, secure, and efficient wireless communications infrastructure. 5G campus networks support a wide range of applications, including automated production processes, precise asset tracking, augmented reality (AR) for training and maintenance as well as the networking of IoT devices. They enable organizations to accelerate their digital transformation, increase efficiency, and develop new services and products.

5G campus planning

Planning 5G campus networks is a complex process that requires careful consideration and strategic planning to fully utilize the benefits of 5G technology. It includes analyzing the organization's specific needs and requirements, determining the appropriate network architecture, selecting the right technology partners and equipment, and complying with legal and regulatory requirements. Key aspects of 5G campus planning include coverage analysis to ensure that the network reaches all required areas, capacity planning to handle future traffic, and security planning to ensure data integrity and protection. In addition, integration with existing IT and network infrastructures and network scalability are critical for future growth and new applications. Successful 5G campus planning enables organizations to implement a tailor-made solution that increases efficiency, optimizes processes, and creates the basis for innovative applications and services.


An antenna is a fundamental component in wireless communication technology that emits electromagnetic waves into or out of space. Antennas are critical for transmitting and receiving signals in a wide range of applications, including radio, television, mobile communications, satellite communications, and radar. Their design and functionality vary depending on the specific area of application, the frequency ranges and the technical requirements. There are various types of antennas, including dipole antennas, directional antennas, parabolic antennas, and patch antennas, each optimized for specific applications and performance goals. When it comes to 5G networks, antennas play a key role in ensuring network coverage, signal quality, and data transfer speed, using newer antenna technologies such as Massive MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) and beamforming to further improve network performance and efficiency.


Industries are specific sectors of the economy that include companies that offer similar products or services or are active in related fields of business. They can be classified according to various criteria, such as the type of goods produced, the technologies used, or the type of services provided.

BOS object radio

BOS object radio stands for the special radio service used by authorities and organizations with security tasks (BOS). These organizations include the police, fire brigades, emergency services, disaster control authorities and the Technical Relief Agency. BOS radio is used for reliable, secure and effective communication in emergency situations, in daily work and in particular during major operations or disasters.

The system enables direct, wireless voice and data communication between emergency services and ensures that information can be exchanged quickly and efficiently. The main features of BOS radio include a high level of reliability, the ability to encrypt communication for increased security and the ability to function even in difficult environments or when other means of communication fail.


Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a revolutionary technology and working method in the architecture, engineering and construction industries that digitally depicts the entire life cycle of a building. BIM makes it possible to record, manage and visualize physical and functional properties of buildings in a computer-based model. In contrast to traditional drawings and plans, BIM provides a three-dimensional, interactive model that can also integrate time (4D), costs (5D), environmental aspects (6D), and facility management information (7D).

The use of BIM promotes collaboration between architects, engineers, construction companies and clients by storing all relevant information in a central model that can be updated at any time and viewed by all parties involved. This improves planning accuracy, reduces errors and discrepancies on the construction site and leads to more efficient project implementation.

In addition, BIM enables better decision-making throughout the project life cycle, from the initial planning phase through construction to operation and maintenance of the building. By identifying conflicts early on and optimising solutions, BIM helps to reduce construction costs and shorten construction time. It is an essential tool for sustainable construction, as it helps to use resources efficiently and reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

Drive on

The journey to create digital twins of large areas or districts is a process in which specialized vehicles systematically cross a specific area in order to collect extensive data to create high-precision, digital images. These vehicles are typically equipped with sensors and cameras that make it possible to capture the physical characteristics of the environment in detail. The process of driving is crucial for data collection, as it ensures that every corner and angle of the target area is covered and recorded for subsequent analysis and modelling.

Aerial survey

To carry out a flight to create digital twins of roofscapes, towers or other areas that are difficult to reach, STF Swiss AG specifically uses drones that systematically fly over the selected area in order to acquire extensive amounts of data that are required to create extremely accurate digital replicas. Equipped with modern laser scanners and 360° imaging technologies, these drones enable precise recording of the physical characteristics of the examined space. The implementation of such flight measures is critical for obtaining data by ensuring that no area is left out and that everything is therefore recorded for an in-depth analysis and subsequent digital reconstruction.


In the context of institutions, the term “campus” generally refers to a site or area that comprises several buildings and facilities of an organization. This can be an academic institution such as a university or college, but also covers the areas of companies, research institutions, hospitals and other organizations. A campus is often designed in such a way that it meets the needs of its users by providing additional services such as libraries, laboratories, housing, recreation and sports facilities, as well as cafés and restaurants. The layout and furnishing of campus spaces promotes community, exchange and collaboration among users and helps create an inspiring and supportive environment.

Campus networks

5G campus networks, also known as private 5G networks, are mobile networks specifically tailored to the needs and requirements of a limited geographical area or organization. These networks offer the advanced features of 5G, such as high data transfer rates, low latency, and increased security, in a private setting, making them ideal for industrial applications, university campuses, hospitals, and other organizations that require reliable, secure, and efficient wireless communications infrastructure. 5G campus networks support a wide range of applications, including automated production processes, precise asset tracking, augmented reality (AR) for training and maintenance, and networking from IoT devices. They enable organizations to accelerate their digital transformation, increase efficiency, and develop new services and products.

Campus planning

Planning 5G campus networks is a complex process that requires careful consideration and strategic planning to take full advantage of 5G technology. It includes analyzing the organization's specific needs and requirements, determining the appropriate network architecture, selecting the right technology partners and equipment, and complying with legal and regulatory requirements. Key aspects of 5G campus planning include coverage analysis to ensure that the network reaches all required areas, capacity planning to handle future traffic, and security planning to ensure data integrity and protection. In addition, integration with existing IT and network infrastructures and network scalability are critical for future growth and new applications. Successful 5G campus planning enables organizations to implement a customized solution that increases efficiency, optimizes processes, and creates the basis for innovative applications and services.


Corporate identity


Describes the process of converting information from a physical format to a digital format. In a broader sense, digitization also includes the integration of digital technologies into all areas of daily life and business processes.

Digital twin

The STF Group offers comprehensive services in the recording, processing and visualization of digital twins. Whether it's individual buildings, entire factory premises or telecommunications, energy and transport infrastructure, we create individual solutions for your project.

Digital business models

Digital transformation and thus the constant availability of data are revolutionizing not only economic life and everyday life, but also society in all its facets. Customer requirements have also changed. Whereas in the past the supply side was determined by producers and service providers, today the critical demand side of customers dominates the market. Today, customers are better able than ever to obtain information, compare offers, exchange ideas, and also be influenced. Companies can and must use this knowledge to keep pace with the times and remain competitive in the long term.

Energy industry

We analyse the current status of digitization, define the use cases with you and prepare the cost/benefit analyses for the following digitization projects. The STF Group will then help you create a digital infrastructure tailored to your individual needs. These include cross-industry specialist planning of intelligent building technology, broadband expansion, planning and optimization of mobile phone coverage, development of campus networks, modeling of digital business processes, and planning of sensors and artificial intelligence. STF is also the right partner when it comes to creating converged products from energy and telecommunications services.

Radio network

A radio network is a communication network that transmits data using electromagnetic waves instead of physical connections such as cables or wires. This enables a wireless connection between devices that can send and receive data, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and radios. Radio networks can use various technologies and standards, including mobile networks (such as GSM, 3G, 4G/LTE and 5G), WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network), Bluetooth, and satellite communications.

Radio network planning

Radio network planning is the process of systematically designing and developing wireless communication networks. This includes analyzing geographic and demographic data, selecting optimal locations to place broadcast towers and antennas, determining the required technical specifications, and planning the network layout to ensure maximum coverage and quality of service.

Radio network planner

A radio network planner is a specialist in the field of telecommunications who deals with the planning, optimization and expansion of radio networks. His tasks include developing concepts for network infrastructure, selecting suitable locations for radio masts and antennas, calculating radio illumination and ensuring efficient and interference-free transmission of data and voice communication.

Health (industries)

Like other industries, hospitals, medical facilities and care services are also affected by digital transformation. In addition, regulatory requirements, a shortage of skilled workers and demographic change have an impact on every single industry player. There has also been an exhausting consolidation in the hospital market in recent years. However, there is no reason to panic. Many of these challenges can be solved or at least mitigated by using information and communication technology. This is done, for example, through digital patient records, surgical robots or intelligent and adaptive artificial intelligence, which checks medications for plausibility. The prerequisites for Hospital 4.0 or Care Services 4.0 are, on the one hand, optimized and homogenized processes and, on the other hand, a digital infrastructure including intelligent building technology that ensures powerful, secure and permanently available connectivity.

With its many years of experience in WLAN planning and in-house supply, the STF Group is the ideal partner for creating the basis for the widespread use of information and communication technology in hospitals and medical facilities. In addition, our digital experts are also available if you are planning to digitize processes and procedures, optimize care logistics or introduce artificial intelligence.


Glass fiber is a thin, flexible thread made of glass that is used to transmit light over long distances. Because of their ability to transmit light signals with minimal losses and over long distances, optical fibers are the basis for modern high-speed data transmission technologies.

Fiber optic planning

Fiber planning refers to the process of designing, developing, and implementing network infrastructures based on fiber optic technology.


Geographic information systems (GIS) are computer-based tools that are used to collect, store, analyze, manage, and present spatial or geographical data. They enable users to visually interpret and analyze spatial information in the form of maps, reports, and diagrams. GIS technologies can integrate data from various sources that are geographically located to identify patterns, trends, and relationships in the data.

A key feature of GIS is the ability to combine different types of data related to a geographical location, which is useful for a wide range of applications.


Merger of several subsidiaries The main advantage of a group of companies lies in the bundling of resources, expertise and markets.

Retail & logistics (industries)

Without the logistics sector and trade, Germany would stand still. The STF Group also ensures that this does not happen. More specifically, we support our logistics and retail customers in the areas of telecommunications, digitization and technical building equipment. We analyse current processes, develop use cases with you and advise on the digitization of the supply chain. In addition, we also take care of the technical implementation, including our services: measurement and optimization of mobile communications and WLAN supply in logistics halls and shops, development of campus networks, planning and implementation of IoT solutions, digitization of business processes including the use of artificial intelligence and the climate-friendly, energy-efficient, technical planning of new buildings and renovation of existing buildings.

In-house supply

In-house supply means the provision of communication services such as mobile communications and the Internet directly within a building or company without relying on external providers to ensure a seamless and high-quality connection.


In new buildings as well as in the renovation of existing buildings, we use our know-how to create and increase real estate values. Our interdisciplinary teams of experts will support you with customer-specific solutions. We analyse the current status of digitization, define the use cases with you and prepare the cost/benefit analyses for the following digitization projects. With our engineering and consulting portfolio, we support the real estate and construction industry through specialist planning of technical building equipment (TGA, all service phases in accordance with HOAI), but also with telecommunications, networking and digitization services. We are therefore the point of contact for our customers from the real estate and construction industries both when it comes to all aspects of building technology and for planning, constructing and commissioning the digital infrastructure in order to enable smart home or smart office applications with powerful networking, regardless of whether existing buildings are being renovated or new buildings are being constructed. In addition, our digital experts are available to you in topics such as Ambient Assisted Living, Predictive Analytics and Predictive Maintenance.


Society for Information Technology and Digitalization Solutions.

STF iTech's portfolio has four focal areas: IT consulting, networking, smart services and IT security, which include additional services.

Job portal (career)

Serves as a type of digital job market where the STF advertises their vacancies and job seekers can search for suitable work opportunities.

To the job portal


If you want to start with the STF Group within the D A CH region, you can go to search for a suitable position.

To the job portal


Rural exodus, slow Internet, lack of mobile phone reception, lack of mobility solutions and demographic change: Many rural regions as well as regions close to cities are facing these challenges. In contrast, boom centers and many cities are fighting against traffic gridlock and scarce housing, including rising real estate and rental prices. By contrast, many areas in the Federal Republic of Germany are affected by dilapidated public buildings such as schools and increasing perceived uncertainty in public places, regardless of the prosperity of the regions.

Many of these challenges can be solved or mitigated by the opportunities offered by digitization and technical tools. With the help of modern geoinformation technologies (GIS), existing data can be visualized, digitized and thus exploited. In rural regions, autonomous, GIS-based mobility concepts can offer residents the opportunity to be mobile or participate in social life without the need to move. Thanks to intelligent technologies, cities, municipalities and municipalities can save money and thus offer their residents more comfort. By marketing municipal assets, such as bus shelters, street lamps and buildings to mobile operators or other telecommunications companies, additional revenue can also be generated for the municipal budget. These are just a few of the many ways to turn cities, communities and communities into smart cities or smart villages.


Intertwined supply chains, increasing customer demands for service and distribution, short lead times, political uncertainties and strong competition demand a lot from trade and logistics companies. Intelligently planned technology and digitization solutions will be an important tool for overcoming these challenges. 3D printers, autonomous trucks, digital warehouse support systems and the use of artificial intelligence are just a few of the many future solutions for logistics and retail. The use of these and other digital and technical solutions will be decisive for the competitiveness and future viability of companies.

Mobile communications

Mobile communications refer to wireless communication via electromagnetic waves, which makes it possible to use voice and data services on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets

Mobile network planning

Our services include metrological analyses (walks tests, drive tests, in-train measurements), evaluation of analyses including preparation of recommendations for action, radio planning (GSM, UMTS, LTE, 5G) as well as the optimization of mobile networks by our specially trained radio network optimizers and the auditing of mobile network locations

Cellular measurement

Cellular measurement refers to the process of collecting and analyzing data to evaluate the performance and quality of a mobile network.


Our magazine includes articles, interviews, columns, reports and sometimes multimedia content such as videos and photo series, which may be more diverse in subject matter than the rest of the content on the website.

(STF) Maps

STF Maps project platform on which a wide variety of projects can be integrated. Planning of internal planners can thus be displayed on a map. This is how the digitization of large projects is made possible


Net-Zero” refers to the goal of achieving a balance between the amount of greenhouse gases emitted and the amount that is removed from the atmosphere. This means that all greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activities must be fully offset by appropriate measures that remove these gases from the atmosphere in order to reduce net emissions to zero. Our expert at STF Energie, in particular in the area of energy management, sees achieving Net-Zero as one of his core tasks by planning all measures.


Section that summarizes the latest news, press releases, articles and often multimedia content such as photos and videos.

Object radio

Object radio is a special radio system that is designed for wireless communication within buildings or confined areas. It enables reliable transmission of voice, data and signals, even in environments where conventional mobile or WLAN connections are restricted due to structural conditions, such as thick walls or metal structures. Object radio systems are often used in large building complexes, such as hospitals, shopping centers, tunnels or airports, to ensure seamless communication for emergency services, operating personnel and visitors.

Public sector

The STF Group has many years of experience in project work in the public sector at federal and state level. In particular, this includes risk controlling when introducing new communication technologies, technical multi-project management, as well as strategic advice on engineering and digital issues.


The STF Group is the right partner for companies that want to create the conditions for Production 4.0/Smart Factories. We plan building technology for our customers in all sectors and also ensure optimal WLAN and mobile phone reception or help design and implement their own local networks (campus networks). In addition, our digital specialists also advise on the implementation of Production 4.0 and on the reorganization of processes.


Even today, telecommunications providers still use microwave radio in special application scenarios. This applies in particular to the connection of mobile phone sites in areas where, due to the topography, fibre-optic expansion is uneconomical. Radio transmission is also used to connect event supply measures, for example at temporary events such as concerts and festivals, or to connect exchange centers in the event of disasters. Some companies and institutions also use microwave radio as a backup solution in the event that the broadband connection fails.

The STF Group has many years of experience in microwave projects. Our services include the design and feasibility study (LOS tests), microwave planning as well as the commissioning, acceptance and auditing of the relay radio for quality assurance.


In the telecommunications sector, we also take care of transmission technology and routing for our customers. Our services include in particular the dimensioning and planning of transmission technology (SDH/WDM/IP), connection planning of new construction sites and expansion of existing sites (GSM, UMTS, LTE and 5G), connection planning of enterprise customers (via SDH/WDM/IP), optimization in existing networks (routing, topology and locations), planning of the clock and O&M/DCN networks, and design, Planning and implementation of migrations to modernize networks.


over 600 employees at 22 locations across Germany, Switzerland and Austria.


Measurement and analysis, planning, construction support and construction support as well as rollout management, integration and acceptance, managed services.

Tele consult

360-degree telecommunications services from measurement, planning, implementation, commissioning and acceptance.


The process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting geographic and spatial data about physical objects and the terrain.

WiFi planning

The process of designing and setting up a wireless network to ensure optimal wireless coverage and network performance. This includes the analysis of structural conditions, definition of cable routes and locations for technology, the preparation of a detailed building plan, and the development of a 3D model for radio illumination calculation. The aim is to precisely plan the positioning of access points, to virtually install network technology and to create an adapted equipment list and a cabling concept in order to implement an effective WLAN infrastructure.